.....Denmark..... Sofie Willems
Sofie Willems : Glenn Murcutt Master Class 2007
Sofie Willems + Joan Raun Nielsen : Deerubbin Conferences 2014 and 2016
[ community building : self build : timber structure ]
Fjelstervang Semi-outdoor Community Hub : Denmark
Spektrum Arkitekter
Sofie Willems + Joan Raun Nielsen
In the little town Fjelstervang, Spektrum Arkitekter designed and built up a recreational semi-outdoor gathering comment hub in co-creation with the inhabitants of the village. Through a design-and-build process, Spectrum helped the community to create a building where the citizens can and were the doors are never locked. The project was designed and realised during a period of only 4 months. Completed in 2013.
Spektrum Arkitekter is a young architectural studio whose work integrates architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning and citizen involvement. They have a socially-minded and rigorously evidence-based approach to architecture and place the users centrally in the architecture through inclusion, social awareness and commitment. , striving for an architecture based upon qualities of the specific location. The common denominator in all the projects is the relationship between architecture and context - landscape, people, history, culture, social relations etc.