Aoife Keigher
“I feel immensely privileged to have participated in the 2012 Glenn Murcutt Master Class. After 10 years in practice, a challenging and exhausting – but exhilarating and thoroughly rewarding – fortnight at the Glenn Murcutt Master Class was just what I needed to rediscover my architectural centre.
The Master Class was an inspirational and fun experience from start to reluctant finish. Glenn, Richard, Peter, Brit and Lindsay were a fantastic cohort to learn from – wildly enthusiastic, always kind, and generous with their knowledge, time and spirit. It was so special to witness, and be part of, the camaraderie between all masters. Immersion in life at Riversdale, as well as the frequency of walking the land, tutorials with the masters, and pin-ups was a totally absorbing experience.
It was also incredible to connect with such a fantastic group of diverse architects from all over the globe. Both inside and outside of our well-orchestrated working groups, our professional like-mindedness enabled us to forge close friendships, which will long outlive the short fortnight spent in one another’s company.
From the Master Class I have gained insight into responding to the unique Australian landscape and climate, how to build sensitively, sensibly and sustainably in any setting, furthered my teamwork and communication skills, rediscovered the joy of hand-drawing and model-making, and given me renewed confidence in my design abilities. The Master Class is a wonderful and unique architectural experience – thank you to all involved!”