Architecture Foundation Australia
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Latest news from the Architecture Foundation Australia, Glenn Murcutt Master Class, other programs, exhibitions, publications

Glenn Murcutt Scotland 2015

Glenn Murcutt talking with participants on the 2015 Murcutt International Master Class 
at the Boyd Education Centre 'Riversdale' overlooking the Shoalhaven River south of Sydney

Glenn Murcutt, eminent Australian architect, 2002 Pritzker Prize Laureate, Gold Medallist of the Australian Institute of Architects, presented the 2015 Royal Scottish Academy Isi Metzstein Architecture Discourse – which he says may be his last international lecture – this is doubtful as he is still brimming with energy as he proceeds to his 80th year. Apart from his ongoing commitment to sole practice, he still works alone, draws by hand, including construction drawings and details, and he continues his commitment to teaching – including the ‘epic’ annual Master Classes at the Boyd Education Centre, south of Sydney Australia.

The Edinburgh address was facilitated by award winning Scottish architect Richard Murphy, great friend of Glenn Murcutt, they hold eachother in mutual regard. Almost in parallel with the appearance in Edinburgh has been the exhibition of Glenn Murcutt’s drawings and buildings ‘Architecture for Place’ at the Lighthouse Gallery in Glasgow (June until 27 Sept 2015)

See attached link to a review in Studio International by Janet McKenzie 

Applications are already being received for the 16th Glenn Murcutt International Architecture Master Class to be held 3 – 17 July 2016

Lindsay Johnston